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Partner with a Missionary

You can further the work of the kingdom by partnering with one of our missionaries.
Having ministered in southern Mexico more than 35 years, Gene and Isidra focus their efforts on serving the widows in the town where they live.
Dan and Aylin serve as pastors in Bolivia where they oversee the local church and work in leadership development.
Dave and Polly served as mentors in Asia for many years. They still provide leadership training during short-term trips and distance learning.
Gasita Rutebuka Murondanyi, is a born-again evangelist & missionary with a vision to reach the thousands of refugees from the Congo.
Doug and Helen serve in Mexico. They provide leadership training, counseling to those in need, and support for struggling marriages.
Kelsey serves as a house mom in Honduras, caring for five abandoned children. Her heart is to give these kids a loving home and point them to Jesus.
Don and Toni left the mission field to attend Bible College. Don is enrolled in a two-year program, and Toni will continue in a three-year program.
Gail's vision is to create local community leaders by instilling kingdom culture and discipleship within their homes.
Bill and Carla serve in Kenya where they share Jesus’ love by working with AIDS widows teaching them basic health care and business principles.