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Partner with a Missionary

You can further the work of the kingdom by partnering with one of our missionaries.
David is a dynamic leader with a global vision for compassionate ministry and is uniquely gifted in sharing God’s love through Christ.
Dan and Aylin serve as pastors in Bolivia where they oversee the local church and work in leadership development.
Jessica joined WIM in March of 2024. She is serving at PTC in Honduras. She serves as a house mom to three children.
Lauren knew Missions would be her future after her first trip to Colombia. She now serves at a children’s home there, focusing on discipleship.
Ron Mouser serves as the Director of Mobilization and Training for WIM. He is very passionate about raising up people to reach the nations.
Daughtrey serves in Honduras; he is currently in school studying the language and culture.
Dereje and Hirut founded, built, and now direct a Christian school in Ethiopia. They also oversee numerous community development projects.
Chuck and Mary Nell use biblical storytelling to unfold God’s story to unbelievers in Southeast Asia.
Having served many years in Asia, Jim and Marilyn now focus on intercessory prayer for missionaries and the ministries of multiple agencies.